Catalogue des carnets de recherche

25 carnets de recherche sélectionnés

Weltweites Zellwerk

Umbrüche in der kulturellen Bedeutung frühmittelalterlichen Edelsteinschmucks

Tikkoun Sofrim

Crowdsourcing and gamification for correcting automatic manuscript transcriptions


Digital Edition of Byzantine Seals


Thoughts on an “Ontology for the Transmission and Re-Use of Argumentative Patterns” in Christian-Muslim Religious Encounters

History of heralds

Workshop and collaborative book project about the history of heralds in Europe (12th-18th c.)


HIstorical MANuscript Indexing for user-controlled Search

Heraldica Nova

Medieval heraldry in cultural-historical perspective

Cities of Readers

Religious literacies in the long Fifteenth Century (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)


Carnet du colloque : « Les temps, les espaces, les hommes. Construction et déconstruction d'un règne »


Perspectives on Pre-Modern Eastern Afric