Catalogue des carnets de recherche

628 carnets de recherche sélectionnés

The Diamond Papers

A collection of discussion papers exploring community-driven pathways to equitable open scholarly publishing

Religions au Japon

Réseau de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les religions et les croyances au Japon


Thoughts on City Literature, Urban Studies and Experiences of Space


Musings from the rabbit hole

Savoirs et expériences

Du savoir aux gestes en passant par les textes : enquêtes et réflexions sur une histoire des sciences et des techniques à la Renaissance

Mind The Master

Creative Projects by the University of Montpellier's Master Students in English Studies

Nuits polluantes

Masculinité et médecine en Suisse et en France (XVIII -XX siècles)


The blog of the Master in Transnational and Transcultural Studies at Université Paris 8


Statistics are just one face of reality

Managing Maximilian (1493-1519)

A blog on Persona, Politics, and Personnel through the Lens of Digital Prosopography at the time of Maximilian of Habsburg


Atlas and Sahara Jewish-Muslim Heritage : A Multidisciplinary Approach

Celebrating Ruth Phillips

Connecting Global Modernisms, Indigenous Art, Global Art History, African Art and Critical Museology

Rockefeller fellows

Individual mobility awards at Rockefeller-endowed organizations 1915-1970


Scribal Performance and the Standardization of Cuneiform in 1st Millennium Mesopotamia

Women at work

For a comparative history of women's professions in Africa (1920-1970)


Thoughts on an “Ontology for the Transmission and Re-Use of Argumentative Patterns” in Christian-Muslim Religious Encounters