Catalogue des carnets de recherche

126 carnets de recherche sélectionnés

A World of Debts

The Global Politics of Public Debts From the Late 18th Century

Women & the F-Word

Exploring women's resistance to feminism in the English-speaking world, 19th to 21st centuries

Weltweites Zellwerk

Umbrüche in der kulturellen Bedeutung frühmittelalterlichen Edelsteinschmucks


Transformations of the french economy through the lens of international trade, 1716-1821

Tikkoun Sofrim

Crowdsourcing and gamification for correcting automatic manuscript transcriptions


The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas, 1642-1959


Avenues to Ancient Civil War


Digital Edition of Byzantine Seals

Rockefeller fellows

Individual mobility awards at Rockefeller-endowed organizations 1915-1970


Programme de recherche franco-japonais en histoire consacré au Rôle économique des femmes en Mésopotamie ancienne (REFEMA, programme CHORUS, soutenu par l'ANR)

A Red Golden Legend

Muslim Hagiographic Experiences in the Former USSR and Popular Democracies


Muhammad au miroir de sa communauté dans l’islam moderne et contemporain