Targovistea restaurata

Scopul primordial al Asociatiei este sustinerea si promovarea restaurarii patrimoniului cultural material si imaterial mostenit , a spatiilor verzi, a ariilor naturale si parcurilor din municipiul Targoviste si din judetul Dambovita, prin monitorizarea proceselor de decizie si de executie in aceste domenii, asigurandu-se ca acestea sunt derulate cu deplina respectare a legislatiei nationale, europene si internationale, a celor mai bune practici si in totala transparenta.

The primary objective of the Association is to support and promote the restoration of the inherited tangible and intangible cultural heritage, green spaces, natural areas, and parks in the municipalities of Targoviste and Dambovita by monitoring the decision-making and execution processes in these areas, ensuring that they are carried out in full compliance with national, European, and international legislation, best practices, and in total transparency.

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Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Silviu Marian Miloiu

Date de mise en ligne

22 décembre 2022

Langue de la publication





Adresse postale

Targovistea restaurata
Prof.Dr. Valahia University of Targoviste
Doctoral School
35 Lt. Stancu Ion St.
130105 Târgoviste

Ville de production



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