Ecological Imaginaries
Relationships, Storytelling and Poetics
This blog branches out from two research projects: "Making Kin with Trees" analyzes narrated relationships between humans and trees as the product and the condition of an arboreal poetics, or cultural poetics of trees; "Precarious Nature" investigates popular texts of the 19th century, such as Village Stories, popular science, journal articles, or travel writing, as generic modes which employ 'ecological storytelling' as a practice to mobilize human-nature-relationships; precarious nature, that is, is both the condition and effect of a mobilization that causes (and makes possible in the first place) the destruction and the protection of non-human environments. The blog also serves as an environment to host and spur new projects and relationships and nurture existing ones. Collaborations within the Literary and Cultural Plant Studies Network ( and collaborative projects such as “Interspecies Signalling” (with PD Dr. Susanne Gruß and Prof. Dr. Regina Schober) will find space to explore ways in which to think, narrate and practice ecologies and ecological relationships. Ecological Imaginaries contains a multitude of textual formats: flash research reports, book reviews, observations from public and social media, and conversations with and guest posts by scientists and scholars working on related questions. It aims at reaching an interdisciplinary audience of scholars and scientists as well as communicating current research to an interested public.
Solvejg Nitzke
Littératures, Histoire culturelle, Identités culturelles
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Informations bibliographiques
Rédacteur(s) en chef
Solvejg Nitzke
Année de création
Date de mise en ligne
27 octobre 2020
Langue de la publication
Adresse postale
Ecological Imaginaries
Dr. Solvejg Nitzke
Fakultät Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften
Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden
Ville de production