Dark Hermeneutics

Despite the current rising tide of titles which contains the qualia “dark” like Timothy Morton’s “Dark Ecology” or David Roden’s “Dark Phenomenology” this blog aims at a slightly different “Dark dot dot dot”. “Dark Hermeneutics” is not a revival of a classical method of reading and interpreting literature – it is not a zombie. It is more or less the chance to combine deconstructivism and Object-Oriented-Ontology to understand poetry/literature beyond humans (and without correlationism) a meaning is always withdrawn and what one can read is only language's appearance of the object it describes. Therefore this blog will explore the possibilities of dark hermeneutics, close reading methods, deconstructivism, discussions of French Theory, Literature and Object-Oriented-Ontology and many more. Theory-driven yet focussed not only on literature but on any cultural artifact, that could be understood through "dark hermeneutics". So the first question will be: Can hermeneutics tell what hermeneutics is ?

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Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Martin Bartelmus

Année de création


Date de mise en ligne

28 janvier 2021

Langue de la publication





Adresse postale

Dark Hermeneutics
Institut für Germanistik Abt. II
Professur für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Nebrig
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1 , Gebäude 24.54., Ebene U1, Raum 86
40225 Düsseldorf

Ville de production



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