
Return mobilities to rural Portugal

The project MigRural benefits from Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n. 794030.It addresses one of the mobility patterns affecting rural regions of Portugal: the return of Portuguese immigrants who reside or resided in France (one of the largest recipient of the Portuguese immigration until recently), to rural regions of the country. In general, the project addresses an important societal, political and economic issue in Portugal and beyond: the emigration of a young workforce to other EU member states, and their return to decayed areas, which at the moment, seem to lack the capacity to leverage this return. The creation of this blog aims at documenting this two-year long research. The author foresees regular publications on the blog, including 1) reflexive posts, revealing the on-going intellectual and scientific process of an individual research of the sort. This can include post-conference posts, to “trace” the exchanges and learnings, as well as abstracts of publications; 2) reviews of books, key articles and audiovisual sources I read and watch along the years; 3) a news room, to better assess the space occupied by emigration and return matters in the public sphere; 4) and fieldwork related posts, such as photo galleries, field diary's extracts and so forth.

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Publication inactive depuis avril 2021

Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Amandine Desille

Année de création


Date de mise en ligne

03 octobre 2018

Langue de la publication





Adresse postale

Edifício IGOT
Rua Branca Edmée Marques
1600-276 Lisboa

Ville de production



Nouveaux billets

The end

Amandine Desille