Specters of immediacy

Specters of immediacy aims at highlighting situations, moments, and conditions in which we experience the world immediately. Leaning on the works of Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (2003), we are concerned with the dimension associated with lived experiences (Erleben). Analytically speaking, lived experiences can be understood as the present experiences of the world after it has been physically perceived through our senses, but before it has been culturally structured and interpreted. These experiences form a kind of closure, a finite and immediate experience of being in the world. Concerning the concept of identity, the sense of one’s place, we could thus understand them as temporarily stable footings (White 2008) in a complex world that heavily relies on mechanisms of stabilization.

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Publication inactive depuis janvier 2020

Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Andreas Schellewald

Année de création


Date de mise en ligne

01 mars 2018

Langue de la publication





Adresse postale

Specters of immediacy
Am grünen Prater 11
1020 Wien

Ville de production
