Corporate Crime Stories


We, the Heidelberg Group for Organization Studies (HeiGOS), would like to offer you pointed and stimulating "Corporate Crime Stories" on a monthly basis. These stories will be drawn from the current research of our team at Heidelberg University’s Max-Weber-Institute for Sociology that is concerned with “Corporate Crime and Organizational Deviance Studies". We will provide you with a sociological spotlight on high-profile cases of organizational crime, corruption and manipulation. As a consequence, we are less concerned with the individual offenders and their psychology. Instead, we focus on the actors’ constellations, on the incentives and opportunity structures that they face, and that eventually cause companies, hospitals, sports associations or other organizations and their personnel to leave legal tracks.We understand our blog as a platform for an open and constructive culture of discussion.

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Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Markus Pohlmann

Année de création


Date de mise en ligne

19 février 2018

ISSN format électronique


Langue de la publication




Adresse postale

Corporate Crime Stories
Max-Weber-Institut für Soziologie
Universität Heidelberg
Bergheimer Straße 58
69115 Heidelberg

Ville de production
