Working in Music
International Research Network
The Working in Music international research network brings together scholars in the social sciences whose work revolves around labour and production in the musical realm. The network has its roots in the joint efforts of researchers in Scotland and Switzerland, with a first conference held in Glasgow in 2016, followed by a second one in Lausanne in 2018 that will be pursued by a now bi-annual meeting in Turku in 2020. The purpose of this blog is twofold: to provide more detailed information about the network (aims, members, projects and events), and to bring updates and announcements from its members and beyond that revolve around the targeted research axes. An official Twitter account and a separate mailing list will complete this page in allowing the exchage of ideas and information.
Nikoghosyan Nuné
Arts et humanités, Musique, Sociologie et anthropologie, Sociologie
Sociologie, Sociologie du travail, Sociologie de la culture, Ethnologie, anthropologie, Anthropologie sociale, Anthropologie culturelle
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Publication inactive depuis mai 2022
Informations bibliographiques
Rédacteur(s) en chef
Nikoghosyan Nuné
Année de création
Date de mise en ligne
02 février 2018
Langue de la publication
Adresse postale
Working in Music
Laboratoire capitalisme, culture et sociétés
Institut des sciences sociales
Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne
Ville de production