
Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is made up of representatives of the different institutions sponsoring OpenEdition Center.

Eric Berton
President of Aix-Marseille University

Marie Gaille
Scientific Director of the INSHS/CNRS

Marin Dacos
Open Science Advisor (French Ministry of Research)

Magali Reghezza
Directorate General for Research and Innovation, French Ministry of Higher Education and Research

Philippe Ellerkamp
President of the University of Avignon and Pays de Vaucluse

Marie Pellen
Director of OpenEdition

Romain Huret
President of the EHESS

François Bougard
Chair of the OpenEdition Scientific Board

OpenEdition Scientific Board


Muriel Adrien - Associate Professor, Visual Arts of the Anglophone World, University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès

Adrien Bayard - Associate Professor, Archaeology, University of Artois

Sana Benbelli - Professor of Sociology, Hassan II University of Casablanca 

François Bougard (Chair of the Bureau) - Director of the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (France)

Flávio Borda d'Água - Doctoral student in modern history and Assistant Curator, University of Geneva and Geneva Library

Ana-Maria Cozma - Associate Professor, University of Turku, Finland    

Emmanuel Dufrasnes - Professor, Architecture, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg

Patrick Furrer - Director of Presses Ouvertes, Institute for Research and Action on Academic Fraud and Plagiarism

Samir Hachani - Professor of Higher Education, Library and Documentary Sciences, Algiers 2 University

Tincuta Heinzel - Associate Professor, Aesthetics and Art Science, Loughborough University (England)

Deborah Paci - Lecturer, Contemporary History, University of Bologna - University of Corsica

Anne Page (Member of the Bureau) - Professor, British literature and civilization, Aix-Marseille University (France)

Alexis Rivier (Member of the Bureau) - Lead Curator for Digital Policy, Geneva Library (Switzerland)

Marta Severo - Professor, Deputy Director of the Laboratory Dicen, Director of the Department of Communication, University of Paris Nanterre (France)

Michael Sinatra - Professor, Department of Literature and World Language, University of Montreal (Quebec)

Marta Torre-Schaub - Research Director, Law and Climate Change, CNRS (France)

Other bodies

OpenEdition Lab, OpenEdition’s research and development programme, has a scientific advisory board whose mission is to help structure and guide OpenEdition’s R&D activities.

Hypotheses has several Scientific Boards, reflecting the main language areas of the platform.

Calenda also has its own Scientific Board.

The OpenEdition Journals and OpenEdition Books platforms each have a Validation Committee that prepares files for review by the Scientific Board.

Publishers Consortium

A Publishers Consortium has been created around the OpenEdition Books platform. Its role is to provide recommendations as this platform develops. By 2018, it included more than 70 publishers.

Users’ Committee

A Users’ Committee has been formed as part of the OpenEdition Freemium programme. It is made up of library conservators, librarians and information engineering professionals. The libraries subscribing to the programme have a seat on the committee, which meets at least once a year and has a permanent activity through working groups, whether at a distance or in person: referencing and bibliometrics, internationalization, quality of metadata and bibliographic tools, journals forum, and relationship with libraries, among other roles.

Downloadable documents

OpenEdition_Les conseils scientifiques (application/pdf – 189k)

OpenEdition_Scientific Boards (application/pdf – 172k)