Manuscript Collaboration Hub

A Forum for the study of collaborative practices in the production of medieval manuscripts

The blog will serve as a hub for scholars working in collaborative production practices (scribal collaboration, collaboration between other medieval book artisans). The website will feature blog posts on issues concerning the production of medieval manuscripts, a bibliography and a directory of scholars working in the field. It will also list events on manuscripts studies and medieval book production. The blog is the result of the Manuscript Collaboration Colloquium, Oxford on 10 June 2015.

En savoir plus

Publication inactive depuis mai 2016

Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Sarah Laseke

Année de création


Date de mise en ligne

09 juillet 2015

Langue de la publication




Adresse postale

Manuscript Collaboration Hub
10 Laurel Farm Close
OX39DN Oxford

Ville de production
