Academic Wor(l)ds. Observations of academic discursive practices

Blog dedicated to academic practices and cultures of Social Sciences and Humanities Studies (DISCONEX project)

Carnet dédié aux pratiques et aux cultures académiques au sein du champ d'études des sciences humaines et sociales (projet DISCONEX)

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Academic Wor(l)ds is a research journal of the DISCONEX project, which investigates how researchers do research. DISCONEX contributes to the emerging field of Social Sciences and Humanities Studies (SSHS) as well as to the transdisciplinary field of Discourse Studies. The project compares academic practices and cultures of SSH research in France, Germany, the UK and the US, particularly in two fields with distinct knowledge traditions and institutional cultures: linguistics and sociology.

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Publication inactive depuis octobre 2017

Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Marta Wroblewska

Année de création


Date de mise en ligne

14 mars 2016

Langue de la publication




Adresse postale

Academic Wor(l)ds. Observations of academic discursive practices
S0.35 Social Sciences Building,
University of Warwick
CV4 7AP Coventry

Ville de production
