Littératures, arts majeurs, arts mineurs

L’axe de recherche « Littératures, arts mineurs, arts majeurs (LmM) » du Centre pluridisciplinaire textes et cultures (CPTC) se propose d’explorer la place des littératures dans un champ artistique large sans se limiter a priori à une époque et en favorisant les croisements. Il sera ainsi consacré aux rapports singuliers entre différentes œuvres d’art, en favorisant notamment les comparaisons entre la littérature et les arts et en essayant d’étendre le plus possible les objets d’études (romans, nouvelles, récits, théâtre, cinéma, cinéma d’animation, bande dessinée, peinture, opéra, musique instrumentale, danse, etc.).

The line of research "Literatures, minor and major arts" is meant to explore the place of different kinds of literature within a wider artistic field, with a particular stress on disciplinary crossings, regardless of time periods or limits. The aim is to focus on the specific relationships between various works of art, with a particular emphasis on comparisons between literature and the arts. To tackle this vast artistic field, we’ll rely - among others - on Cultural Studies. Indeed, such an approach allows a better understanding of political and social phenomena through the conflicts that are internal to the artistic fields in question. Nonetheless, that will not be our only approach: we will also study texts and works with literary tools. Indeed, we should not forget the first aim of Cultural Studies: not to consider mass or pop culture from a purely statistical or reception point of view in order to keep poetical study for ‘high-brow’ culture works only, as though they were the only ones to deserve it. Thus, along with major collective trends, we will be able to address individual works through their differences and specificities.

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Informations bibliographiques

Rédacteur(s) en chef

Henri Garric

Année de création


Date de mise en ligne

07 novembre 2014

ISSN format électronique


Langue de la publication





Adresse postale

Centre pluridisciplinaire textes et cultures
Bureau 429
Université de Bourgogne, Faculté de Lettres et Philosophie
2 Boulevard Gabriel
21000 Dijon

Ville de production
